Zelensky on the grain dispute: gradually removing emotions
Zelensky on the grain dispute: gradually removing emotions

Zelensky on the grain dispute: gradually removing emotions

Ukraine is gradually “removing emotions” from the topic of grain exports, said President Volodymyr Zelensky. He stated that working with partners can and should become “entirely constructive,” as he discussed during an evening address.

Zelensky reported that he had a meeting with government officials and the Presidential Office regarding Ukraine’s grain exports: “We coordinated further steps and recorded the achieved results.”

The European Commission has supported the roadmap for mutual monitoring of grain exports, and the head of state noted that this is “entirely rational.”

“Secondly, we are gradually removing emotions from this issue for the majority of questions. Working with neighbors can and should become entirely constructive, and Ukraine is doing everything for this,” explained the President.

Zelensky expressed his gratitude to Ukraine’s partners who prevented violations of EU trade rules and the Association Agreement.

“We expect the same constructive cooperation from other neighboring countries as we have with Bulgaria and Romania. The European Union is a space for mutual understanding and cooperation. And it should be this way,” he emphasized.

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