Zelensky in Vilnius: I came with faith in a strong NATO. I want this faith to turn into confidence
Zelensky in Vilnius: I came with faith in a strong NATO. I want this faith to turn into confidence

Zelensky in Vilnius: I came with faith in a strong NATO. I want this faith to turn into confidence

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that he wants his faith in a strong NATO to transform into confidence. Zelensky made this statement during his speech in Vilnius.

“Today, I embarked on this journey with faith in decisions, faith in partners, faith in a strong NATO. In a NATO that does not hesitate, does not waste time, and does not turn a blind eye to any aggressor. And I would like this faith to turn into confidence. Confidence in the decisions we deserve – we all deserve it, and it is expected by every soldier, every citizen, every mother, every child of ours. And is this too great a desire?” said Zelensky.

The President emphasized that NATO will help Ukraine be secure, and Ukraine will strengthen the North Atlantic Alliance.

“NATO will provide security to Ukraine. Ukraine will make NATO stronger,” summarized the President.

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