Why Trump’s “Peace Plan” is Unacceptable for Ukraine — Zelensky’s Response
Why Trump’s “Peace Plan” is Unacceptable for Ukraine — Zelensky’s Response

Why Trump’s “Peace Plan” is Unacceptable for Ukraine — Zelensky’s Response

According to President Volodymyr Zelensky, responding to statements from U.S. presidential candidate and Republican Donald Trump about ending the war started by Russia within 24 hours, the likely terms of such a deal would be unacceptable for Ukraine.

Key Points:

Zelensky believes that Donald Trump’s proposals for ending the war with Russia are unsuitable due to high risks and dangers to national security.

President Zelensky emphasizes that no one can force Ukraine to take the “easy path” and cede territory without any consequences for the guilty parties.
Former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton believes that the U.S. president has no plan to end the criminal war against Ukraine, which could lead to a dark moment for both countries.
According to Bolton, Trump’s closeness to Putin will only push Ukraine towards territorial concessions and threaten U.S. national security.
The Ukrainian leader is ready to work with any new U.S. administration after the elections, hoping for support in making tough decisions during challenging times.

Why Ukraine Won’t Agree to Trump’s “Peace Plan”
“Everyone would be happier if one person in the world, let’s say Donald Trump, could stop the war. The question is at what cost and who will pay. I don’t mean that he will make us pay. But if you want to do it in 24 hours, the simple option is to push us to do it. Because it’s clear how to do it – it means just stopping and giving up, and forgetting. No sanctions, Putin takes the territory, creates a victory for his society and the world. No one goes to prison, no accountability, no tribunal. Yes, it is a very simple way, but we will never agree to it, never. And there is no person in the world who can force us to do this. Because it is not about one president or ten people; it is about a nation. The Russians have killed so many people, how can we forget that? And we will not forgive this,” explained Zelensky.

Zelensky reacted to the statements of Republican J.D. Vance, whom Trump wants to see as his vice president, by suggesting that Vance may not actually understand what is happening in Ukraine.

However, the Ukrainian leader assured that if a new team comes to power in the US after the elections, he is ready to work with them as well, “not fearing hard work.”

What is Known About the Criticism of Trump’s Plan from His Former Advisers?

According to Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton, in an interview with CNN, Trump does not actually know how to end the criminal war against Ukraine started by Russia.

“This is madness. He has no idea how he is going to negotiate and end this war,” emphasized Trump’s former adviser.

He believes that Trump’s rapprochement with Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin will only force Ukraine to make territorial concessions to Russia.

Bolton stressed that such a position would be “a dark moment” not only for Ukraine but also for the US.

“The core of American national security interests lies in defending against unprovoked aggression on the European continent, which benefits the US,” emphasized Trump’s former national security adviser.

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