The President of Brazil suggests that Ukraine should give Crimea to Russia to end the war 
The President of Brazil suggests that Ukraine should give Crimea to Russia to end the war 

The President of Brazil suggests that Ukraine should give Crimea to Russia to end the war 

President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has proposed giving the occupied Crimea back to Russia to end its war against Ukraine.

Direct speech of the Brazilian President: “The President of Russia Vladimir Putin cannot annex the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps we can discuss Crimea. But he should think twice before invading again… Zelensky also cannot want everything… The world needs peace… We must find a solution”.

In May 2022, Lula stated in an interview with TIME that not only Putin, but also the US, EU, and Zelensky were to blame for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

He said that Ukraine should have abandoned the path to the EU and NATO and instead negotiated with Russia.
At the beginning of 2023, Da Silva refused to transfer Gepard anti-aircraft shells to Ukraine and later stated that he wants to become a mediator between Ukraine and Russia to end the war.

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