The level of trust in Putin and Russia has reached a record low worldwide. In which countries has the level of trust in Putin and Russia increased?
The level of trust in Putin and Russia has reached a record low worldwide. In which countries has the level of trust in Putin and Russia increased?

The level of trust in Putin and Russia has reached a record low worldwide. In which countries has the level of trust in Putin and Russia increased?

Trust in Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and Russia has plummeted to the lowest level in history during the dictator’s rule, according to the results of a new international opinion poll. The main reason cited is the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Source: Pew Research Center, Deutsche Welle.

Trust in Putin and Russia is steadily declining worldwide

According to the authors of the study, they conducted their survey in 24 countries. Its results clearly indicate that approximately 82% of respondents had little or no confidence in Vladimir Putin “doing the right thing regarding world affairs.”

Furthermore, it is emphasized that the level of trust in the Russian dictator hit a record low in nine countries, including Germany, where it sharply decreased from 14% in 2022 to 8% in 2023.

In which countries has the level of trust in Putin and Russia increased?

It is also important to note that trust in the Kremlin leader has increased and reached record levels in India and Indonesia. It is important to understand that the percentage of Indians expressing trust in Vladimir Putin has increased by 17 percentage points since 2019. In Indonesia, this figure has grown from 36% in 2019 to 43% in 2023.

After Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the corresponding indicators plummeted to record-low levels in nearly all surveyed countries, and in 2023, they continue to decline, especially in Germany, Israel, and Spain, as emphasized by the study authors.

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