Russian propagandists have started intimidating Ukrainians with hints of a terrorist attack at Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant
Russian propagandists have started intimidating Ukrainians with hints of a terrorist attack at Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russian propagandists have started intimidating Ukrainians with hints of a terrorist attack at Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant

Kremlin propaganda has begun actively spreading videos online with insinuations of a sabotage at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant.

Source: Disinformation Counteraction Center.

Why are Kremlin propagandists spreading insinuations about a possible sabotage at Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant?

According to the analysts of the Disinformation Counteraction Center, the video showcased by Russians depicts an explosion on the Crimean Bridge, the sabotage of the “Nord Stream 2” pipeline, and also the sabotage of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station.

The video concludes with a photograph of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant and the date 03.07.2023, indicating a possible terrorist attack on the plant’s premises.

The center emphasizes that the actions of the Russians serve two purposes: to shift the blame away from themselves and to accuse Ukraine of all the aforementioned activities, while also instilling fear among Ukrainians of possible terrorist attacks.

What is currently happening at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant?

According to the head of the National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom,” Petro Kotin, there are currently various groups of personnel and military personnel from the criminal army of the Russian Federation present at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant.

“There are different groups of personnel at the plant. There are those who have signed contracts with “Rosatom.” They are no longer formally our employees. And there is the personnel that we are very proud of.

These are nuclear specialists who do not sign such contracts, totaling around 1,200 people. They continue to work at the plant because the Russians simply do not have such highly qualified personnel”, explains Kotin.

He noted that the Ukrainian personnel are under constant psychological pressure. They constantly endure torture, and they are waiting for the moment when they will finally be relieved of their duties, emphasizes Kotin. Additionally, Kotin revealed when the Ukrainian side will be able to regain control over the occupied Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant.

“We rely on our Armed Forces. And as soon as the main issue is resolved—the victory of Ukraine in this war—then we will regain control of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant. We are deeply concerned about the condition it will be in and how quickly we will be able to restore it,” stated the head of “Energoatom.”

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