Russian military has started “preparing for defense” in the northwest region due to Finland becoming a full member of NATO
Russian military has started “preparing for defense” in the northwest region due to Finland becoming a full member of NATO

Russian military has started “preparing for defense” in the northwest region due to Finland becoming a full member of NATO

According to “Interfax-Ukraine” and “European Truth,” the Deputy Commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces stated in an interview with a Russian publication that with Finland now a full member of NATO and Sweden soon to complete membership, the Russian air defense system is “practicing guarding the state border in the northwest of the country in response to the increased threat level.”

Earlier, when Finland completed the accession procedure, Moscow started talking about “strengthening military potential” in the west and north.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, commenting on Russia’s threats, reminded that Finland’s accession to the Alliance after many decades of neutrality was a reaction to Russia’s actions, not the other way around.

He did not give a direct answer as to whether NATO and Finland are planning any additional measures in connection with Russia’s statements.

It is worth recalling that a year ago, when Finland was only starting the accession procedure, Russia published a video of the movement of Bastion missile systems near the Finnish border. In response, Finnish activists created a humorous video of “tractor troops” moving towards Russia.

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