Russia drags into war in Ukraine “military scrap,” despite significant losses – CNN
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Russia drags into war in Ukraine “military scrap,” despite significant losses – CNN

Russia is returning tanks produced after World War II. The Kremlin is “reverting back in time” in terms of its capabilities, as it amasses “military scrap” for the war in Ukraine.

Source: CNN.

This relates to tanks, artillery, and personnel. Russia has sent only 15,000 mobilized troops out of 150,000 for training in Belarus.

What is known about the problems Russians face with their equipment and military?

Western military officials revealed at a special briefing that they have sufficient evidence that the Kremlin is returning tanks from storage that were manufactured immediately after World War II. Russia is attempting to compensate for significant losses in Ukraine through these actions.

Additionally, officials did not observe a significant surge in the number of equipment. Instead, Russia is utilizing older generation equipment.

We started with (tanks – 24 Channel) T-80 and T-90, then switched to T-72, and we actually saw T-55, which were retrofitted and thrown into battle. The same situation was observed with artillery,” they stated at the briefing.

It’s worth noting that the T-90 was introduced as early as 1992, the T-80 in 1976, the T-72 in 1972, and the T-55 during World War II in 1948.

Russia is facing problems with its personnel

Officials note that the Kremlin may be able to mobilize a large number of people, but cannot provide them with the training necessary for combat operations.

According to the participants of the briefing, two relatively short training cycles were conducted in Belarus. Only 15,000 Russian military personnel out of 150,000 mobilized were trained there.

“As we see the Russian forces now, they have significantly decreased compared to the troops that initially attacked Ukraine,” said one of the officials.

Russian losses in the war in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, 183,130 enemies have already been killed.

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