Not Just F-16s: Which Aircraft Does Ukraine Anticipate? Response from the Commander of the Air Force
Not Just F-16s: Which Aircraft Does Ukraine Anticipate? Response from the Commander of the Air Force

Not Just F-16s: Which Aircraft Does Ukraine Anticipate? Response from the Commander of the Air Force

According to the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, Mykola Oleshchuk, Ukraine is working to obtain not only American F-16 fighter jets but also other modern combat aircraft from Western partners.

Source: All-Ukrainian Telethon.

Which aircraft is Ukraine counting on besides the F-16?

Oleshchuk noted that among Ukraine’s priorities are obtaining Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters, British Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft, and French Dassault Rafale jets. However, Ukraine is primarily counting on acquiring the F-16.

“Why was F-16 chosen as a priority? Because the team understood and understands that it’s the most numerous in the world. And the likelihood of obtaining this aircraft is the highest,” explains Oleshchuk.

He also emphasized that, for example, Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters are not inferior to F-16 in terms of tactical and technical characteristics. The Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force noted that Ukraine is open to any decision regarding the acquisition of fourth-generation fighter aircraft.

How did Ukraine manage to protect its own aircraft at the beginning of the Russian invasion?

Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, Mykola Oleshchuk, shared two initial orders he issued at the start of the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

“At 3:50, I ordered the entire military aviation to take to the air because I understood that the first strikes against our state would target airfields, infrastructure, anti-aircraft systems, and our radar facilities,” Oleshchuk noted.

According to him, at that moment, a decision was made to concentrate all the equipment, meaning that, as he put it, all units were not in the positions they were before the war.

“The aviation was airborne. We managed to preserve the weaponry and equipment we have now. My first command would have been around 3:20. As the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, I gave the command ‘Carpet.’ Upon this command, all aircraft that were in the air were required to either leave Ukrainian airspace or land at the nearest airfield. I saw with my own eyes how the airspace of Ukraine was being cleared. Literally within 20 minutes, there was no aircraft left in the airspace,” Oleshchuk emphasized.

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