In Russia, a new total type of dictatorship – digital – is being introduced
In Russia, a new total type of dictatorship – digital – is being introduced

In Russia, a new total type of dictatorship – digital – is being introduced

Last week, the Russian State Duma passed a law on “electronic summons”. And it’s not so much about mobilization: it can be carried out in Russia even without it.

Source: Pavlo Klimkin.

Now, databases will contain everything, including driver’s licenses or information about ownership and taxes. Anyone will be able to access them instantly.

In Russia, a digital dictatorship is being introduced, a kind of “digital Gulag”. The regular Gulag is still operational, as evidenced by the verdict against Russian opposition activist Kara-Murza, who received a 25-year sentence. However, the development of digital technologies gives Russian President Vladimir Putin opportunities that even George Orwell could not have dreamed of.

The Kremlin has long been enviously watching China, where the “social rating system” operates, which means monitoring and evaluating everyone. However, the Kremlin wants more.

They have banned Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms. Now, they are introducing electronic summonses. The next step will be the introduction of the “digital ruble”. This is also understandable since corruption only exists for “their own”.

Russians do not need freedom

Conclusion: We are facing not only a physical and ideological, but now also a digital dictatorship. The regime of the 21st century. But this also makes it more vulnerable, as the opportunities for many to “get around” drastically decrease.

In Russia, the harshness of the laws has always been offset by the optional nature of their implementation. Now it will be more difficult, as many will begin to look for a way out for themselves, which can be suggested and even offered to them. The absolute majority of the Russian population does not aspire to freedom, but many will want to save themselves.

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