Germany will purchase three HIMARS from the United States for Ukraine – Defense Minister
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Germany will purchase three HIMARS from the United States for Ukraine – Defense Minister

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that the country will procure three HIMARS rocket systems from the United States for Ukraine. The politician’s words were reported by the German media outlet t-online.

The three systems are expected to come from the United States Armed Forces and will be delivered to Ukraine, according to the media.

Pistorius made the corresponding statement during a visit to the United States.

The M142 HIMARS is an American multifunctional rocket system capable of firing six rockets in a salvo or one operational-tactical missile.

Initially, in 2022, Ukraine received HIMARS and GMLRS missiles with a range of 70 km, which is twice the range of the 155mm M777 howitzer. In 2023 and 2024, the United States provided Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles (with a range of up to 300 km). At the same time, Ukraine promised not to use HIMARS to strike deep into Russia.

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