Czech Foreign Minister: UN Security Council needs reform, Russia’s chairmanship is the latest proof 
Czech Foreign Minister: UN Security Council needs reform, Russia’s chairmanship is the latest proof 

Czech Foreign Minister: UN Security Council needs reform, Russia’s chairmanship is the latest proof 

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský on Sunday supported the calls from the Ukrainian side for the reform of the United Nations Organization, considering Russia’s chairmanship of the Security Council.

“I agree with Volodymyr Zelensky: the UN Security Council needs reform,” said the head of Czech diplomacy.

“The latest proof of this is that the head of state, who violates the UN Charter and threatens the security of the whole world, presides over an institution that was supposed to ensure peace,” Lipavsky added.

In his evening address on Saturday, Zelensky, commenting on Russia’s assumption of the presidency of the UN Security Council, emphasized that “there will be no reason to halt the reform of global institutions, including the UN Security Council.”

“A reform that is obviously overdue – so that a terrorist state or any other state that wants to be a terrorist cannot destroy peace,” he added.

As reported, Russia will chair the United Nations Security Council in April 2023.

The presidency of the UN Security Council rotates every month, with each succeeding country chosen in alphabetical order from among the current members of the body.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has called on the members of the UN Security Council not to let Russia abuse its chairmanship of the body. Meanwhile, the Lithuanian Foreign Minister welcomed Russia’s election as head of the UN Security Council with a joke about a warship.

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