Borrell: Wagner Rebellion Shows that Moscow’s War in Ukraine is Undermining Russian Authority
Borrell: Wagner Rebellion Shows that Moscow’s War in Ukraine is Undermining Russian Authority

Borrell: Wagner Rebellion Shows that Moscow’s War in Ukraine is Undermining Russian Authority

Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat, stated at a meeting of foreign ministers of EU member states that “the suppressed rebellion of the Wagner group indicates that Moscow’s war in Ukraine is causing divisions within Russian authorities.” He was quoted by AFP.

“What happened over the weekend shows that the war against Ukraine is causing divisions within Russian authorities and affecting its political system,” he said.

Borrell emphasized that now is the moment when the European Union should support Ukraine more than ever before.”

“It is not very reassuring to see that a nuclear state like Russia can enter a phase of political instability. The monster that Putin created in the form of Wagner is now biting him, the monster is acting against its creator,” said Borrell.

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