Fragments of a missile found in a lake in Moldova
Fragments of a missile found in a lake in Moldova

Fragments of a missile found in a lake in Moldova

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova has reported the discovery of missile fragments in the southeastern part of the country, approximately 35 km from Chisinau. The missile fragments were found in a lake near the village of Farladan, which is located less than 40 km from the border with Ukraine.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova.

The residents of the village noticed certain components in the lake that could have come from a missile, possibly fallen in this area. Authorities have confirmed that the fragments are from an air missile, and experts are still determining the type and origin of the missile. The State Inspectorate for Emergency Situations stated that the missile fragments were found in the lake on September 27. Special safety measures have been introduced in the lake area as there are suspicions that the explosive component of the missile that crashed may be at the bottom of the lake.

“At present, the area is closed to the public, and the police are guarding the perimeter. National Police, State Emergency Service, military, and border police are working at the scene. They began their work yesterday but suspended it for the night. On the morning of September 28, the search for all parts of the missile resumed. Experts are looking for the best solution for extracting the explosive device in case explosive material is found at the bottom of the lake. Hydro-technical experts are pumping water from the lake to facilitate the intervention of pyrotechnics,” according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Interior Minister Adrian Efros also arrived at the scene. The Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasizes that there is no danger to the population, the area is isolated, and the nearest houses are located 1 km away from the hazardous zone.

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