Zelensky announced a series of powerful measures to strengthen Ukraine
Zelensky announced a series of powerful measures to strengthen Ukraine

Zelensky announced a series of powerful measures to strengthen Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced at the end of September and during the autumn a series of measures aimed at significantly strengthening Ukraine’s defense potential.

Source: President of Ukraine’s address.

What is known about the strengthening of Ukraine’s defense potential?

The head of state mentioned that he has held several preparatory meetings regarding extensive measures to enhance the country’s defensive capabilities. He also stated that the team is already working on the content and substance of October and November.

“Regardless of external conditions, we must remember: only our conditions, only our internal attitude towards Ukraine, towards freedom, and towards our goals determine when we will achieve our goal. The main goal. Ukraine’s victory. There is no alternative to strength for Ukraine. And everyone who strengthens the state, everyone who becomes stronger, and everyone who helps fight the enemy and achieve results for Ukraine, all contribute to our goal,” the President emphasized.

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