Erdogan wants Putin’s demands regarding grain to be met. Kuleba: We will not be hostages to blackmail
Erdogan wants Putin’s demands regarding grain to be met. Kuleba: We will not be hostages to blackmail

Erdogan wants Putin’s demands regarding grain to be met. Kuleba: We will not be hostages to blackmail

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba stated that Ukraine will insist on maintaining sanctions against Russia regarding the grain deal. He announced this during a national telethon broadcast.

During negotiations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi on September 4th, dictator Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow is awaiting the lifting of some sanctions on the supply of Russian grain and fertilizers to European markets in order to restore the grain deal.

Erdogan said he considers the Russian demands ‘fair.’

According to Kuleba, Kyiv had contacts with Ankara ahead of the negotiations between Erdogan and Putin.

“We should not be hostages to Russia’s blackmail when it creates problems itself and then offers to solve them. We will stand for maintaining sanctions against Russia,” emphasized the head of the department.

He noted that there are currently no sanctions against the export of agricultural products from Russia, and Kremlin statements on this matter are manipulations.

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