How many fighter jets does Ukraine currently need? Ignat’s response
How many fighter jets does Ukraine currently need? Ignat’s response

How many fighter jets does Ukraine currently need? Ignat’s response

According to the spokesperson of the Air Forces Command, Yuri Ignat, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need 128 fighter jets. This number of aircraft would allow our soldiers to replace the old aviation fleet and gain an advantage in the sky. Source: Radio Free Europe.

Ignat explained how many fighter jets are currently needed for the Armed Forces

This number (128) is the basis for us. Of course, war may introduce its own adjustments, but over 100 aircraft are indeed needed to distribute them across various airfields, to respond to different challenges, and to strike at different targets. Both in the air and on the ground, including enemy rear positions,” explained Yuri Ignat.

The spokesperson of the Air Forces Command highlights that the quantity of 128 fighter jets is outlined in the vision of the Air Forces. He also noted that if we indeed receive 42 F-16s, it will be approximately 4 aviation brigades. It’s important to understand that in order to master the Western F-16 fighter jets, our pilots have already embarked on training trips to the United Kingdom and Sweden.

According to Yuri Ignat, their training programs will differ. It’s also worth mentioning that the basic training includes a light Western-made aircraft, followed by a jet aircraft, and independent flights on the F-16. Such a program entails up to 2 years of training. However, as Ignat notes, ‘our people can surprise and complete training faster.

How many fighter jets can Ukraine receive?

On August 20, during his visit to the Netherlands, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky officially confirmed that our army will receive 42 F-16 fighter jets after Ukrainian pilots and engineers complete their training.

Later, the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, stated that her country has decided to transfer 19 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. The Danish Minister of Defense, Jacob Ellemann-Jensen, stated that Ukraine will be able to use the transferred F-16 fighter jets only within its territory to drive the enemy out of the country’s territory.

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