Sweden has approved a new package of military aid for Ukraine
Sweden has approved a new package of military aid for Ukraine

Sweden has approved a new package of military aid for Ukraine

The Swedish government has approved another, 13th package of assistance to Ukraine totaling 3.4 billion Swedish kronor (approximately $315 million).

Source: BBC.

The package includes ammunition and spare parts for the equipment already provided to Ukraine, including for the Stridsfordon 90 combat vehicles and Leopard 2 tanks, as well as transport vehicles and demining equipment. Simultaneously, the government received permission to sell U.S. air-to-air missiles of the RB 99 (AMRAAM) class, which will subsequently be gifted to Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Sweden has provided Ukraine with over 20 billion kronor ($1.8 billion) in military assistance.

Northern European countries have joined the G7 declaration

Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden have supported the G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine and have joined them.

“We, the leaders of the Northern countries, remain steadfast in our support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. Building upon the Joint Statement of the Northern Ukraine Summit in Helsinki, we commit to continuing our support for Ukraine as long as it is needed.”

The countries welcomed the Joint G7 Declaration in support of Ukraine and declared that together with partners, they intend to build upon the framework of commitments and agreements, taking into account a wide range of needs from providing modern military equipment to educational initiatives and resilience support.

“We will do so to contribute to Ukraine’s long-term security, deter future Russian aggression, enhance Ukraine’s economic stability and resilience, as well as provide technical and financial support for Ukraine’s pressing needs.”

The participation of countries will be in accordance with their legal. They promised to continue this work without further delay.

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