Support for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU among Ukrainians is at a record high – survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology
Support for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU among Ukrainians is at a record high – survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

Support for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU among Ukrainians is at a record high – survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

92% of Ukrainians want Ukraine to become a member of the European Union, and 89% support the country’s membership in NATO. These are the findings of a sociological survey conducted in May 2023 by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.

The survey was conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology on behalf of the American National Democratic Institute (NDI), which was the first to publish an analysis of the sociological dimension.

The survey results indicated that over the past year, the public sentiment in Ukraine in favor of the country’s accession to the European Union and NATO has consistently been on the rise.

“Ukrainians clearly understand that the country needs assistance from its allies to withstand this dreadful war, to become stronger, more inclusive, and a viable democracy,” emphasized in the analysis results.

92% of respondents stated that they want Ukraine to become a member of the European Union, while 89% want Ukraine to become a member of NATO.

73% of Ukrainians believe that international organizations, Western countries, or international businesses should play a leading role in overseeing Ukraine’s recovery.

44% of the respondents have experienced the loss of a friend or family member in the war (in May 2022, this figure was 20%). Despite this, Ukrainians remain resilient and optimistic about their future and the ultimate victory of Ukraine. Over the past year, the percentage of respondents who are “very optimistic” or “more optimistic than pessimistic” about the future of Ukraine has remained almost unchanged, reaching 87% in May 2023.

The word that evokes optimism among them is “victory,” which was most frequently chosen by the respondents.

The survey was conducted from May 10th to May 21st, 2023, via telephone using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) methodology with a single-stage random digit dialing sample design and without additional quotas. The survey involved 2,509 respondents from all regions of Ukraine, except for those under occupation as of February 24th, 2022. The margin of error for the sample is no more than 2.2%.

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