Putin met with the Defense Minister of China, praising military cooperation
Putin met with the Defense Minister of China, praising military cooperation

Putin met with the Defense Minister of China, praising military cooperation

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with a member of the State Council of China, the country’s Defense Minister, Li Shanfu.

Source: Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, TASS, Interfax.

Details: During the meeting, Putin stated that the recent visit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Russia was very productive, and relations between Russia and China are developing well in all directions, including in the military sphere.

Putin’s direct quote: “Relations between our countries are developing very well in all directions, in the economy, social, cultural, and educational spheres, as well as in the military sphere.”

Putin noted that Russia and China regularly exchange valuable information through their military agencies and conduct joint exercises. According to him, military cooperation between Russia and China is one of the most important directions that strengthens the strategic relationship between the two countries.

In turn, Minister Shanfu agreed that the relationship between the two countries is very strong and has already entered a new era. The head of the defense department noted that despite the complex situation in the world, the two countries stand shoulder to shoulder and are working to improve the well-being of their peoples.

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