Trench or tourism? Russia is trying to keep people in the occupied Crimea
Trench or tourism? Russia is trying to keep people in the occupied Crimea

Trench or tourism? Russia is trying to keep people in the occupied Crimea

Many residents of the temporarily occupied Crimea are selling their property with the intention of leaving the peninsula, fearing a counterattack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, the Kremlin is doing everything in its power to detain them and is starting to finance tourism to keep employees from leaving and keep the tourism industry afloat.

Eskender Bariyev, the head of the Crimean Tatar Resource Center and a member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, spoke in an interview with Apostrof TV about how accurate this is.

According to him, the Russians have built fortifications on the coast of western Crimea, so there will be no tourist season in that part of the peninsula.

“They say to those businesses that made money from tourism to work in the south, because there won’t be such an opportunity here. I think they are trying to pour money into Crimea today to keep the residents who were forcibly evacuated there or came on their own. They are trying to provide certificates in the central and northern Crimea. There was information that subsidies from the federal budget should be provided to support people who will not be able to do business in the recreation industry,” said Bariyev.

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