“They are selling helmets and body armor to locals”. Zelensky was told how Russia is preparing for summer in Crimea
“They are selling helmets and body armor to locals”. Zelensky was told how Russia is preparing for summer in Crimea

“They are selling helmets and body armor to locals”. Zelensky was told how Russia is preparing for summer in Crimea

Russian occupiers in Crimea are not confident that there will be no mass protests and rallies in support of Ukraine before the peninsula is liberated from them. Deputy Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea, Denis Chystykov, spoke about this in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

According to him, support for Ukraine in Crimea is “significantly increasing”. Due to the spread of pro-Ukrainian movements such as the “Yellow Ribbon” and the “Crimean Fighting Seagull”, information is spreading on the peninsula about the installation of 150 surveillance cameras in its cities.

In addition, the occupiers are trying to keep OMON officers and Rosguard military servicemen close to them. This, according to Chistikov, indicates that the Russians anticipate that mass events may begin earlier than the Armed Forces of Ukraine approach the administrative border.”

He said that the protest potential of the pro-Ukrainian population is high.

“The information from the resistance movement coordinators indicates that Crimean residents are ready for more radical steps, but the coordinators themselves are currently trying to restrain them,” explained Chistikov.

Another indication of the moral readiness of the occupiers to conduct military operations in Crimea, he says, is the documented sales of body armor and helmets to the civilian population.

On December 26, 2022, the Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, announced that Ukraine will reclaim temporarily occupied Crimea through a combined approach of military force and diplomacy.

On April 12, 2023, the occupation authorities of Crimea announced the cancellation of all mass celebrations for the May holidays.

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