Finland joining NATO. Peskov claims “encroachment” on Russia’s security. Stoltenberg: Putin is to blame
Finland joining NATO. Peskov claims “encroachment” on Russia’s security. Stoltenberg: Putin is to blame

Finland joining NATO. Peskov claims “encroachment” on Russia’s security. Stoltenberg: Putin is to blame

According to the Russian dictator’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, Finland’s accession to NATO would be “another exacerbation of the situation,” “an encroachment on our security,” and therefore Russia will take “countermeasures,” as reported by the Russian propaganda agency TASS. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that it is Russia’s actions that have led to NATO’s expansion, not the other way around.

“In the Kremlin, they believe that this is another escalation of the situation and that NATO expansion is encroaching on our security and the interests of the Russian Federation. This is how we perceive it. We will take countermeasures to ensure our security in both tactical and strategic terms,” Peskov said, adding that these countermeasures will be determined by Russia based on what it considers necessary.

At the same time, he stated that the situation with Ukraine’s aspirations towards NATO “differs significantly from Finland,” which is already becoming a member of the Alliance.

Stoltenberg emphasized that the dictator Vladimir Putin got the “completely opposite” of what he wanted by invading Ukraine. He wanted “less NATO near his borders,” but Russia’s war against Ukraine pushed Finland to join the Alliance.

Putin has shown that he is “ready to use military force” against his neighbors, the Secretary General noted.

“This is part of the pattern, and that’s why we have strengthened NATO, our readiness, our presence in the eastern part of the Alliance. In fact, it was the invasion of Ukraine last year that led Finland and Sweden to apply for membership in NATO,” Stoltenberg said.

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