Have there been any confirmed instances of Russia using Iranian ballistic missiles – the response from the Main Intelligence Directorate Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Have there been any confirmed instances of Russia using Iranian ballistic missiles – the response from the Main Intelligence Directorate Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Have there been any confirmed instances of Russia using Iranian ballistic missiles – the response from the Main Intelligence Directorate Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

As of today, there have been no confirmed instances of the Russian Federation, the aggressor state, using Iranian-made ballistic missiles. “Of course, our country is monitoring this issue, as are our partners. Measures are being taken to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future,” said Andriy Yusov, a representative of the press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

However, Russia may still acquire Iranian ballistic missiles. According to information from RBK-Ukraine, sourced from intelligence agencies, this deal with Iran may involve more than just money.

Tehran, as sources claim, is in trade negotiations and is awaiting a more advantageous proposal from Russia, particularly in the military-technical sphere.

According to aviation expert Konstantin Krivolap, this could involve Su-35 fighter jets, but such an exchange is not particularly beneficial to Moscow. The Su-35 is one of Russia’s most advanced fighter jets, which they compare to American F-16s. In the current climate of sanctions, producing surplus aircraft in Russia is not feasible.

Why do Russia and Iran want destabilization right now?

Iran seeks to disrupt Israel’s relations with Arab countries, especially the diplomatic normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which seemed imminent just days before this war.

For Russia, a key element of Putin’s strategy is to drain vital Western support that has assisted Ukraine and create divisions among donor countries.

Moscow sees violence in the Middle East as an effective way to divert political attention from the war in Ukraine.

When violence erupted against Israel, the Kremlin immediately issued statements accusing the West of causing the conflict.

Colonel Kemp notes that the Russia-Iran axis represents a growing challenge to the West, as new totalitarian alliances work to undermine the democratic order.

This cannot be countered through appeasement. Instead, this war serves as a reminder to the West that the only way to confront force is with force – in this case, the strength to support Israel against the aggression it faces.

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