Belgium will transfer a batch of Sea Sparrow missiles to Ukraine
Belgium will transfer a batch of Sea Sparrow missiles to Ukraine

Belgium will transfer a batch of Sea Sparrow missiles to Ukraine

Ukraine will soon receive a batch of American surface-to-air guided missiles. They will help strengthen the air defense system. It is noted that Ukraine will receive a batch of eight missiles from Belgium.

Source: Belgian Minister of Defense Ludivine Dedonder.

Earlier, Dedonder expressed the desire to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense. ‘New deliveries are planned, including in the field of air defense, the supply of ammunition, and training for soldiers,’ said the head of the Belgian Ministry of Defense. Belgium purchased these missiles from Germany for 7,000 euros each. They were previously used on Bremen-class frigates.

Characteristics of the Sea Sparrow

It is an American ship-launched guided missile with a semi-active radar homing seeker. It was developed in the early 1960s based on the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missile and was adopted into service in 1976. It is a short-range shipborne anti-aircraft missile used for both ship self-defense and missile defense.

Key specifications:

Length: 3.64 meters
Diameter: 20.3 centimeters
Wingspan: 1 meter
Firing Range: Minimum – 1.5 km, Maximum – 20-30 km
Engagement Altitude: Minimum – 6 meters, Maximum – 15,240 meters
Maximum Speed: 3.5
Launch Weight: Approximately 225 kg
Guidance System: Semi-active using continuous or pulse Doppler radar energy
Propulsion: Solid-fuel rocket engine (Alliant TechSystems (Hercules) Mark 58).

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