Budanov explained how the Main Intelligence Directorate spies on the enemy from space
Budanov explained how the Main Intelligence Directorate spies on the enemy from space

Budanov explained how the Main Intelligence Directorate spies on the enemy from space

Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, stated that Ukrainian intelligence has ‘there are no issues with space reconnaissance.’

Source: Radio Liberty.

How does intelligence track Russians?

Budanov noted that no intelligence agency can operate without space reconnaissance, and Ukraine is no exception. Ukraine receives its satellite data, which helps track the enemy. In particular, the Main Intelligence Directorate has its own satellite. Additionally, the Main Intelligence Directorate has personal access to various space apparatus. Intelligence analysts analyze information obtained from both their own sources and allies.

“We don’t have problems with space reconnaissance. The issues lie in the speed of information acquisition. It’s a technical process. Speed happens only in movies and a few countries in the world,” he said. For Ukrainian intelligence, it’s not a problem to observe what is currently happening in a particular location. This can be done with a delay of one hour.

Budanov spoke about the return of Crimea

The Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate also noted that actions like the special operation in temporarily occupied Crimea on August 24 are bringing the de-occupation of the peninsula closer, and it is this goal that the defenders are currently working towards. However, progress is ongoing, though liberation is occurring more slowly than initially planned.

Budanov also believes that the liberation of Crimea will occur through military means. “There are many other options for the return of Crimea, but without military, combat actions, it’s impossible. As I’ve been saying all these years, this has been my position for a long time,” said Budanov.

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