During the night, Russia launched ‘Kalibr’ missiles at the Odessa region in two waves, hitting a grain storage hangar
During the night, Russia launched ‘Kalibr’ missiles at the Odessa region in two waves, hitting a grain storage hangar

During the night, Russia launched ‘Kalibr’ missiles at the Odessa region in two waves, hitting a grain storage hangar

On the night of July 21, Russia carried out a missile strike with ‘Kalibr’ missiles on the Odessa region, hitting grain storage hangars at an agricultural enterprise. This information was reported by Natalia Humenyuk, the spokesperson of the Operational Command ‘South,’ during a televised marathon.

“Tonight, the enemy struck an agricultural enterprise in the Odessa region, attempting to destroy grain reserves. The enemy targeted the hangars directly, where the grain is stored, along with agricultural machinery, using ‘Kalibr’ type missiles,” reported the spokesperson.

According to Gumenyuk, the Russians fired the “Kalibr” missiles with a complex trajectory, flying at a low altitude.

The hits occurred almost immediately after the missiles were detected and the alarm signal sounded. There is no information about casualties.

Russia carried out the attack in two waves. Initially, two “Kalibr” missiles struck the hangars with grain.

“At the moment when rescuers were working at the site – conducting a lengthy rescue operation and firefighting – another rocket strike occurred. The same tactic was used. Fortunately, the rescuers managed to take cover, but a lot of agricultural and rescue equipment was damaged,” Gumenyuk reported.

UPDATED at 09:00. The head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, Oleg Kiper, reported that the Russians fired “Kalibr” missiles at dawn.

“The enemy destroyed 100 tons of peas and 20 tons of barley,” he wrote.

As a result of the explosion, two people received lacerations from glass.

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