Biden revealed his latest conversation with Xi Jinping: Warned against excessive support for Russia
Biden revealed his latest conversation with Xi Jinping: Warned against excessive support for Russia

Biden revealed his latest conversation with Xi Jinping: Warned against excessive support for Russia

President Joe Biden stated that he warned Chinese President Xi Jinping against providing unnecessary support to Russia following Xi’s meeting with dictator Vladimir Putin in March 2023. He shared this information in an interview with CNN.

According to him, he called Xi after his visit to Moscow, where there was talk of a ‘new level of relations’ between China and Russia.

“And I said, ‘This is not a threat. This is an observation.’ I said, ‘Since Russia attacked Ukraine, 600 American corporations have left Russia. And you told me that your economy relies on investments from Europe and the United States. And be cautious,'” said Biden.

He noted that the Chinese leader did not argue with him.

“He talks about nuclear war being a catastrophe, that there is such a thing as security. So, I think there’s a way we can deal with this,” summarized the White House Chief.

BACKGROUND: China claims its “neutral” position regarding Russia’s war against Ukraine, which it refers to as the “Ukrainian crisis.” China has repeatedly echoed Russian propaganda clichés, suggesting that NATO and the United States “provoked” Russia into the war, and has refrained from condemning the conflict in which Moscow is engaged in the destruction of the Ukrainian people. However, China has simultaneously emphasized its commitment to the principle of territorial integrity and the inviolability of established borders. Chinese officials regularly call for negotiations and state that they are “for peace worldwide.”

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