Germany cannot prevent the United States from providing Ukraine with cluster munitions. How will cluster munitions aid the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive?
Germany cannot prevent the United States from providing Ukraine with cluster munitions. How will cluster munitions aid the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive?

Germany cannot prevent the United States from providing Ukraine with cluster munitions. How will cluster munitions aid the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive?

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, stated that she opposes providing cluster munitions to Ukraine, citing an agreement that prohibits their use, stockpiling, production, and transfer. Source: Reuters.

Baerbock noted that Germany, as one of the 111 state parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, opposes their supply. The United States, which intends to make the delivery, is not a state party to the convention, nor are Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

“I have been following the media reports. As a state party, the Oslo Accord applies to us,” commented Baerbock on the statement made by U.S. officials.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was referring to the agreement, open for signature in Oslo in 2008, which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production, and transfer of cluster munitions.

How will cluster munitions aid the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive?

According to the publication, the Bipartisan Group led by the Helsinki Commission has sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to send enhanced dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) to Ukraine.

It is noted that such weapons can be used for firing from cannons, allowing for the dispersal of up to 88 bomblets on the battlefield. This will enable the Ukrainian military to break through Russian tanks and fortified positions. However, if they are not cleared, the bombs can continue to kill and maim civilians long after the cessation of hostilities.

Lawmakers are considering potential human rights issues associated with the weapon; however, they stated that Ukraine had been a ‘responsible steward’ of the arms provided by the United States.

During the Cold War, DPICM was developed and used specifically to counter Russia’s numerical and material superiority. Now they can be used as intended to defend Ukraine – and to defend Europe by Ukraine – and ultimately for the national security of the United States, according to lawmakers.

The submunitions delivered by DPICM have a cumulative charge capable of penetrating armor from 4 to 8 inches (10.16 – 20.32 cm).

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