Russia is attempting to delay Ukraine’s counteroffensive with massive rocket attacks — CNN
Russia is attempting to delay Ukraine’s counteroffensive with massive rocket attacks — CNN

Russia is attempting to delay Ukraine’s counteroffensive with massive rocket attacks — CNN

According to American officials’ assumptions, Russia has initiated expanded aerial attacks on Ukraine to compel Ukraine to postpone its counteroffensive.

Source: CNN.

Russia is trying to delay the Ukrainian counteroffensive

The publication states that Russia is using more ammunition than usual in an attempt to neutralize the Ukrainian air defense.

According to an official spokesperson of the United States, Russian forces have launched larger-scale aerial attacks simultaneously from multiple directions, targeting command centers in Kyiv and other critical locations.

In this way, Russia may be attempting to delay Ukraine’s counteroffensive, but Ukrainian forces intercepted all the missiles and drones heading towards Kyiv on May 16 using Western air defense systems. According to the official, such attacks might even work in Ukraine’s favor, as Russia is increasingly utilizing limited supplies of precision ammunition.

What is known about the rocket attack on Ukraine?

On May 16th, Russia carried out a missile strike using hypersonic missiles called ‘Kinjal,’ launched from fighter jets, cruise missiles ‘Kalibr’ launched from the Black Sea, and ground-based ‘Iskander’ missiles from the north, south, and east.

CNN claims that the attack supposedly could have damaged the Patriot missile defense system, but there is no confirmation of this. Earlier this month, Ukraine intercepted a hypersonic missile ‘Kinjal’ using the Patriot system, marking the first instance of an American-made missile successfully countering a weapon that Russian President Vladimir Putin had claimed was unstoppable.

Last week, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine needs ‘a little more time’ before it begins a counteroffensive.

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