Budanov: Russia will call the loss of Crimea a “forced step”. Now we must return all territories
Budanov: Russia will call the loss of Crimea a “forced step”. Now we must return all territories

Budanov: Russia will call the loss of Crimea a “forced step”. Now we must return all territories

Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov stated that Moscow will call the loss of Crimea and other occupied territories a “forced step” by analogy with the retreat from Kherson. He announced this in an interview with RBK-Ukraine.

According to him, the Russian propaganda spoke of a “forced step” when losing Kherson, and the same will happen with Crimea.

“And here there will be a forced step. Believe me, their propaganda machine works like a model, it is really a benchmark. They deceive their population like no one else in the world can,” said Budanov.

He emphasized that there will be no nuclear strike from Russia, but the war will not end without the return of Crimea. “At some point, we must regain all the territory. We still have time. If Crimea is the last one taken – that’s the final. If Crimea is taken first and Donbass is not yet taken – that’s not the final,” said the Chief of the General Staff.

The scout emphasized that ending the war can only be achieved by returning to the borders of 1991, Ukraine will never give up any of its territories, and restoring territorial integrity in 2023 is a “completely achievable task.”

Budanov believes that Russia is not prepared for a long-lasting war over decades, and the sooner it gives Ukraine peace, the more chances it has to preserve its own integrity.

According to the Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate’s forecast, the decisive battles will take place in the middle or at the end of the spring. Budanov predicts a “decisive battle” between Ukraine and Russia this spring.

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