Reznikov: After our victory, the sunken “Moskva” will become a location for divers
Reznikov: After our victory, the sunken “Moskva” will become a location for divers

Reznikov: After our victory, the sunken “Moskva” will become a location for divers

Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, on the anniversary of the strike on the flagship of the Russian fleet “Moskva”, stated that Ukraine’s victory in the war is inevitable, and the sunken Russian flagship will one day become a popular location for divers.

Source: Reznikov on Facebook.

Direct speech of the Minister of Defense: “Exactly a year ago, the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine rewrote the age-old history. With a precise strike of Ukrainian missiles “Neptune”, the same “Russian military ship” – the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, the missile cruiser “Moscow”, was hit and sank the next day.

Remember the mood of a year ago. The event was so inspiring and incredible that many thought it couldn’t be true. After all, Russia had not lost its flagship for over a century.

Details: The Minister reminded how Ukrainian soldiers did what changed the course of history and led to a chain reaction – accelerated the provision of assistance by partners, facilitated the escape of Russian occupiers from the Snake Island, and allowed the opening of the “grain corridor”.

Reznikov emphasized that Ukrainians in combat conditions proved that “made in Ukraine” weapons are capable of coping with the most difficult tasks and defending at the level of the best developments of partners. Therefore, according to the Minister, the development of the Ukrainian defense industry is a priority because it is “an element of independence.”

He also noted that the success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield is a guarantee of support for Ukraine, so now the most important thing is to support the defenders, maintain unity, and step by step move towards the goal.

“Victory is inevitable. I am confident that after our victory, ‘Moscow’ will become one of the most popular diving locations. And tourists from all over the world will raise glasses of fantastic Crimean wine in Ukrainian Crimea for a good toast – ‘to the Russian military fleet – to the bottom!’, summed up Reznikov.

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